사이트에 등록된 모든 정보의 검색결과 입니다.

전문자료 네이버 검색결과 NAVER OpenAPI

The Mediating Effects of Depression and Aggression on the Relationship between Perceived Parental Rearing Attitudes and Smart Phone Add
Type Analysis and Countermeasures of Side Effects of using Smart Phone 스마트폰의 등장은 컴퓨터를 손바닥 안으로 옮
Development and Validation of a Smartphone Addiction Scale Based on Behavioral Addiction Criteria 본 연구는 행동중독의 6가지
A Study on The Effect of Smart Phone Fitness Application(App)`s Service Quality on Satisfaction after use, Trust, Immersion and Willing
Meta-analysis about relationship between adolescents’ smartphone addiction and mental health 본 연구는 청소년의 스마트폰
A Comparative Study on Smartphone App Store Use Based on Smartphone Adoption Stages: Focusing Individual Characteristics and Perception
모바일 네트워크 고도화 및 단말기의 비약적인 발전으로 스마트폰 보급이 확산되고, 스마트폰 시장
The effects of smartphone use on interpersonal relationship and happiness 본 연구는 스마트폰의 커뮤니케이션 애플리케
The multiple mediating effects of sleep duration and quality in the relationship between adolescents’ smartphone addiction tendencies
The Effects of Parental-Attachment on Smart Phone Addiction for the Middle School Students: Focusing on Moderating Effects of Self-Cont
Internet of Things(IoT) ON system implementation with minimal Arduino based appliances standby power using a smartphone alarm in the en
Analysis on the Impact of Using Smart-phone to Subjective Quality of Life IT기술의 발달 및 혁신은 우리 사회・경제 및
A study of five-year-old children's smart phone game overindulgence 본 연구는 만 5세 유아를 대상으로 스마트폰 게임
A study on the solution for the internet, smartphone, and internet game addiction of teenagers 본 연구는 청소년 인터넷・스
A Study for Smart Phone Addiction Model for Adolescent 본 연구는 청소년의 스마트폰 중독을 심화시키는 요인을 살
Smartphone Addiction and the Current Status of Smartphone Usage among Korean Adolescents 청소년들의 스마트폰 이용에 관한
Older Adults’ Smart Phone Use and Access to Health Information Purpose:This study was conducted to explore older adults’ views on s
Impact of Parent-Child Relationship and Stress-Coping on Smartphone Addiction in Adolescents : Mediating Effects of Self-Control 본
Analysis of Smartphone Addiction Status and Risk among Elementary Students 최근 증대한 성인 및 청소년의 스마트폰 중독
Mediating Effects of Social Withdrawal and Self-esteem Between Social Relationships and Smartphone Dependence and Gender Differences in
현재 보고계신 사이트는 cgimall솔루션 사용자데모입니다.

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