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전문자료 네이버 검색결과 NAVER OpenAPI

The Effect of Oral Communication and eWOM on Consumers" Motivation and Choice Behavior of Eating Out at Restaurants Using Mobile Applic
A Study on Visitor’s Expectations, Perception and Satisfaction When Dining in a Farm Styled Restaurant 농가맛집은 농촌진흥
Effects of Vlogger Attributes on Flow and Behavioral Intention for Majib : Based on the S-O-R Model 본 연구의 목적은 S-O-R 모
Look at the Local Attraction with a Local Diner
Look at the Local Attraction with a Local Diner
The expansion of meaning through metaphors and metonymy exerts creative power beyond a given frame, and sometimes creates new words. O
The Effect of Experiential Quality of MATJIB on Fanship and Behavioral Intention The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of
Influence of 'hot restaurant' information on the media on usage intention and intention of return visit to tourist spot : focusing on T
목차 경북의 숨은 맛! 농가맛집을 찾아서 군위군 '두향' / 이미향 1 한밤마을과 두향 농가맛집 소개 1
The Effect of Oral Communication and eWOM on Consumers' Motivation and Choice Behavior of Eating Out at Restaurants Using Mobile Applic
The Effect of Oral Communication and eWOM on Consumers' Motivation and Choice Behavior of Eating Out at Restaurants Using Mobile Applic
The influence of information quality and trust in SNS MATJIB on continuous usage intention 본 연구는 SNS 맛집 정보품질에 대
현재 보고계신 사이트는 cgimall솔루션 사용자데모입니다.

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